i once was really into digital art.
digital art = draw and paint the whole pictures only in computer.

So i ask my friend this picture and it took me nearly 2 days to make 1 digital art.
to be honest, this picture is not 100% digital art. For real digital art, the artist only draw the picture by himself. But for my, i put the original picture as the bottom layer and then i trace the outline of the girl.
So... that why this picture is not 100% digital art. ^^'




One day, a friend of mine gave me a hamster. It's a female one, the type is Campell Squirrel . She's so cute and adorable, i named her Bori.
i don't have the hobby of taking care of pets, but this time; i decide to have a pair of hamster.
So, the next day, i went out and bought another hamster, which is a male. He is a Campell Sapphire, and his name is Santo.

This is the "hamster's album" that i made recently. These baby are so adorable, i can not resist taking their pictures.

Bori: hey, is that camera pointing at me? [this is Bori, she is 5 weeks old.]

Bori: I'm so thirsty, but this water container is so tall. Anyway, here's the water....

Nghia: everyone also calls hamster "FURY BALL WITH 2 EYES". Because Bori looks just like a ball when she is like this.

Santo: hey, me too, look at me! Do i look like another Fury ball? [ this one is Santo, he is 3 weeks old.]
Santo: wow, very comfortable!

Santo: Z...z....z....Z....Z

Bori: hey! Hey! careful!! i don't want to fall from this height!!!

Santo: ce lavie!!!!

Santo: Er... so are we done? Being a model is quite tired, you know.

(to be continue....)

More Green!

(greeness, continues)

*** all of my pictures were taken by the Casio Exilim ex-z120. It's a point-n-shot camera. TT____TT. So , the quality of the pictures are , of course, no match for those taken by the SLR cameras.


Personally, i really like trees. I like the green color, the shadows, the fresh air ...that trees bring to us.
It become more and more and more difficult for us to find a place full of trees in the middle of the city .
So, on Saturday, i decided to go "tree photo hunting". I went around the city, from district Tan Binh to district 8, just to find a good spot. And i did find some good places which was kinda green. There are a many trees, grasses, bushes at those places.

One more thing that i like is to become tiny. I know it sounds so childish but i do want to become tiny. I don't know why, i've been having that kind of imagination since i was a kid.

So, i combined those 2 ideas together and i have these images.

You can find in some of these pictures, the shooting angle is kind of low, because i try to make it look like the viewing angle of a tiny little people.

1 rainy day.

Hello everyone. I've been soooooooooooooooooooooo lazy these days. ^^ '. My bad.

So, this was on Tuesday evening. Hugo and i was going down town. It was about 5pm , and of course, it was freaking crowded on the street, even though there was light rain at that time.
30 minutes ago, i remembered that the wind blew really fast and furiously. So... this is what we run into on the way.
At first, we just tried to get to down town as fast as possible since everyone were so fed up with the traffic jam. So we didn't pay much attention to the fallen tree. But when i passed it, i was "hey, this is good, it's not something we can see every day, so how could i let this chance get away".

So i called Hugo, who was on riding on his motorbike with his pans folded up- just like a farmer, and suggested that we should have some pictures of this scenery.

So we stopped by the tree, and we took out our cameras and took each other's pictures. We did know that we were very crazy to act like that in the middle of the street, but both of us were "who cares? You don't care, i don't care, so it doesn't matter".

More over, as we really enjoyed this moment and we did laugh a lot so... this was very joyful.
PS: as everyone saw us do this, they also took out their cellfone and took pictures, but it seemed like there was no one as crazy as us. :))

Hi everyone,
These are my old spray arts from last semester.
By looking back at these, i can tell that my skill hasn't improved any bit.
Too bad!!!

The only thing i've improved is that i don't get paint all over my hand anymore. TT___TT

Spray Art.

Hello everyone. Sorry for not updating the blog regularly, i've been kinda lazy these day.
By the way, today, i decided to do some painting so this is it.
Since the sprays are so ridiculously expensive these day , i could only afford 2 colors this time. That's why this painting is only black and white.

Next time, when i have more $$$. I will make it more colorful and more interesting.

Enjoy guys.

ps: i took the picture of this painting at 8PM so the quality of the picture is really poor due to lack of light. I couldn't use flash because the surface of the picture is glossy, it will reflect the flash. i will update the image next morning.

Edited on Monday, image updated.

The New Sun & Moon.

This is the new Sun and Moon drafts.
I made these Sun & moon based on the culture of the asia.
The Males are represented by the Sun - which means "active".
The Females are represented by the Moon - which means "negative".

However, the characters themselves are somehow similar to the European gods.(you can tell by looking at the SUN).

There's a problem for this Sun + Moon version.
I drew the moon first since it was easy to form the shape of the MOON.
But for the SUN, it was really hard to form a round shape for a human figure. I added the wings to make it look "round" but.... i don't really satisfy with the Sun draft.

Can anyone give me some advice?

My designer.

Hey guys, i've checked your blogs. They are all amazing.
i feel so humble TT___TT

About the designer, i choose April Greiman.
Here are some of her works.

To be honest, i am really into cartoon drawing. But for a really long time, i haven't touched my pencil, so, somehow, my drawing skill has become more and more rusty.

Never mind.

This is my very first post in the blog, so enjoy it.
Err, about the pictures. I made them in Photoshop by using my new Tablet.
And my first experience working with a tablet is "DIFFICULT". Even though the tablet is supposed to help the artist to draw in the computer much easier, i find it much more easier just to draw the pictures in some papers and then have them scanned.
I don't know if everybody has the same opinion ... but i guess i still have to work on my Tablet-skill.

Sun. I don't want to explain about the picture. You guys can figure out the meaning by yourself.

Hi, everyone.

Welcome to by blog, everyone.
For the 1st time i have a private place for my art & design stuffs. So happy!
Enjoy the blog. And feel free to comment.